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How to Hit 1 Million Installs On Your Application -


If you ever propelled an application, Builders, you've likely had the experience of waiting by to perceive how many downloads you get. The perfect situation? Somewhere down the line after your release, you arrive at 1 million installs. Actually quite difficult, you may be thinking, yet there are actionable steps you can take to increase your chances of reaching at this objective. What would you be able to do to get this going for your application, Builders by ? Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Make sure it works well

This should be a given, but unfortunately that is not always the case. While it is nearly impossible to build an app totally devoid of glitches, the more important part is that when glitches do come up, they are proactively addressed. QC during the monitoring stage of your release should be a priority. In addition to monitoring the actual functionality of your app, make sure you monitor the conversation around it, as well. Disgruntled users will be vocal, and you want to step in as soon as possible to address their issues. Again, glitches aren’t the problem— not dealing with them is and this one step alone can take you a long way towards

Step 2: Dialogue with happy users

Yes, disgruntled users may be vocal, but happy users can be just as forthright about their experiences. Users that have had a satisfying experience with your app will be happy to share it. This positive sentiment needs to be disseminated tactically in order to hit 1 million installs. Create a dialogue in social media and blog posts and reach out to users, asking them to share their experiences. You can also integrate CTAs within the app asking for reviews (e.g. pop-ups.) Even better: Incentivise it!. You can offer discounts or bonuses within a game, as an example, in exchange for reviews. Angry users are going to speak out, but happy ones may just need this bit of encouragement.

Step 3: Know how your platform’s store works

A key factor in getting downloads is moving up in the rankings in your platform’s store. Do you know how rankings in your store work, though? Consider all of the following:

1. Does social affect my app’s ranking?

2. How do keywords work in the platform store?

3. Can I change the description?

4. What about metadata? Is there an approval process?

All of these need to be considered in order to optimise your app’s performance in the app store. No eyes on your app means far fewer chances of garnering downloads.

Step 4: Continue the conversation on social

Social has long been a reliable way to increase brand exposure and relevance. By sharing stories and posts via social, you keep yourself at the center of conversations in your space and increase the likelihood of users sharing your products with new customers. More and more often, however, social is acting as a customer service space. Complaints or questions in a comment chain need to be addressed, and they need to be addressed quickly. This is one of the most important ways in which you can show that you have your users’ best interests at heart… and a product of integrity.

Step 5: Personalize your brand via blog posts

Blog posts are still a relevant way to increase traffic and conversions. As with social, they keep you part of the conversation, and they are also a great way to improve your SEO, so that you show up higher in the rankings when users search for terms related to your app. Make sure to include a direct download link in your content and leverage linkbacks to help with SEO. Getting to 1 million downloads is a big goal, but doing the hard work can get you closer. Keep your social media channels alive, post regularly, and ensure that your app continues to perform optimally in the long term. What do you think, Builders by ? How are you optimising your app to maximise downloads? You can let us know on our social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.



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